Monday, November 29, 2004
Wow, technology is amazing these days. Have you seen Firefox for flash drives? It's called Portable Firefox! (See: It's amazing what they can do... but even more, they put an ENTIRE OPERATING SYSTEM on a USB key... yes, you heard correctly, OPERATING SYSTEM. And what would that be? Linux... duh. It's called Flash Linux, check it out (see:! I believe that one day we will see software sold on USB memory sticks... specifically operating systems. Think about it, they are getting smaller and cheaper and they can store more and more information... not only that but they are portable. Just imagine, you can boot up your computer by plugging in your USB key and use your same settings at home, at work, at school or at a friend's house, simply by swapping your USB key. Especially with the development of Spintronics (see:, USB keys will be able to hold more than ever! Got commentary for me? Send it to: